DS 58-6: Proceedings of ICED 09, the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, Vol. 6, Design Methods and Tools (pt. 2), Palo Alto, CA, USA, 24.-27.08.2009
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Series: ICED
ISBN: 978-1-904670-10-0
ISBN 978-1-904670-10-0
The ICED series of conferences is the Design Society's "flagship" event. ICED'09 took place on August 24-27, 2009, at Stanford University’s verdant campus in Palo Alto, California.
The Proceedings of the conference are published in 10 individual volumes, arranged according to topics.
All volumes of the Proceedings may be purchased individually through Amazon and other on-line booksellers.
For members of the Design Society, all papers are available on this website.
Table of Contents
Management of Cross-Domain Model Consistency during the Development of Advanced Mechatronic Systems
Gausemeier, Jürgen; Schäfer, Wilhelm; Greenyer, Joel; Kahl, Sascha; Pook, Sebastian; Rieke, Jan -
A Direction of Ideas in Conceptual Design Using Data Envelopment Analysis
Miyashita, Tomoyuki; Satoh, Daisuke -
Towards Life-Cycle Awareness in Decision Support Tools for Engineering Design
Nergård, Henrik; Sandberg, Marcus; Larsson, Tobias -
A Planarity-Based Complexity Metric
Kortler, Sebastian; Kreimeyer, Matthias; Lindemann, Udo -
Electric Actuator Selection Design Aid for Low Cost Automation
Egbuna, C. Chukwudi; Basson, Anton Herman -
Modeling and Analyzing Fault-Tolerant Mechatronic Systems
Deyter, Sebastian; Gausemeier, Jürgen; Kaiser, Lydia; Pöschl, Martin -
Developing IDPEO - a Multidisciplinary Approach to Product Realization
Wiktorsson, Magnus; Wikström, Anders; Jackson, Mats; Ekman, Sten -
Role playing and collaborative scenario development
Diaz, Lily; Salmi, Anna; Reunanen, Markku -
Performance Evaluation of Complex Product Development
Johnsson, Stefan; Malvius, Diana; Norell, Margareta -
The Processnavigator – Flexible Process Execution for Product Development Projects
Faerber, Matthias; Meerkamm, Stephanie; Jablonski, Stefan -
Innovation Networks – Approaches to Derive Nodes and Edges Systematically
Kain, Andreas Stefan; Kirschner, Rafael Johannes; Lindemann, Udo; Gunkel, Jennifer; Klendauer, Ruth; Wastian, Monika; Schneider, Michael -
Matching the Voice of the Engineer to the Voice of the Customer: An Evolution of QFD
Short, Timothy David; Garside, John; Appleton, Ernie; Morris, Adrian; McEachran, Harriet; Beeley, Edward -
Human Factor Early Involvement in Product Design Processes
Scaravetti, Dominique; Montagnier, Elisa -
Development of an Evolutionary Based Design Method
Kittel, Konstantin -
Product Development in Manufacturing SMES: Current State, Challenges and Relevant Supportive Techniques
Singh, Baljinder; Matthews, Jason; Mullineux, Glen; Medland, Tony -
Integral Design Method for Conceptual Building Design
Savanovic, Perica; Zeiler, Wim -
Morphological Analysis of Design Concepts Emergence in Design Meetings
Savanovic, Perica; Zeiler, Wim -
Efficiency Assessment of an Evolutive Design System of Car Contours
Cluzel, François; Yannou, Bernard -
New Approach for Lightweight Design: From Differential Design to Integration of Function
Gumpinger, Thomas; Jonas, Henry; Krause, Dieter -
Survey of Wikis as a Design Support Tool
Walthall, Carolynn; Sauter, Christian; Deigendesch, Tobias; Devanathan, Srikanth; Albers, Albert; Ramani, Karthik -
DRED 2.0: A Method and Tool for Capture and Communication of Design Knowledge Deliberated in the Creation of Technical Products
Bracewell, Rob; Gourtovaia, Marina; Moss, Michael; Knott, David; Wallace, Ken; Clarkson, P. John -
Performance of the Problem Solving Process in Design: Measure and Impact Factors
Maranzana, Nicolas; Dubois, Sébastien; Gartiser, Nathalie; Caillaud, Emmanuel; De Guio, Roland -
Graph Representation of Physical Effect Networks in Conceptual Design
Graebsch, Martin; Deubzer, Frank; Lindemann, Udo -
Reducing Lead Time in Cutting Tool Development By Implementing Blitz QFD
Bylund, Nicklas; Wolf, Mathias; Mazur, Glen -
The Power of Prototypes in Foresight Engineering
Carleton, Tamara; Cockayne, William -
Design Theory and Collective Creativity: A Theoretical Framework to Evaluate KCP Process
Le Masson, Pascal; Hatchuel, Armand; Weil, Benoit -
A Method for Evaluation of Product Lifecycle Alternatives under Uncertainty
Kota, Srinivas; Chakrabarti, Amaresh -
Engineering Design by Integrated Diagrams
Aurisicchio, Marco; Bracewell, Rob -
Decentralized Optimal Design using the Lagrangian Relaxation Approach
Li, Simon -
Study on Personal Characteristics and Affordance Perception: Another Case Study
Kim, Yong Se; Lee, Seongil; Park, Jeong Joo; Kim, Min Kyoung; Kim, Mee -
Development of Scene Transition Nets (STN) GUI Simulator for Service Flow Simulation
Tateyama, Takeshi; Shimomura, Yoshiki; Kawata, Seiichi -
The Role of Visual Feedback in Interactive Grasping Simulation
Rusak, Zoltan; Antonya, Csaba; Horvath, Imre; Talaba, Doru -
From How Much to How Many: A Method to Develop Representations for Computational Synthesis
Jauregui-Becker, Juan Manuel; Tragter, Hans; van Houten, Fred J. A. M. -
Networked Product Modeling – Use and Interaction of Product Models and Methods during Analysis and Synthesis
Deubzer, Frank; Lindemann, Udo -
Experience Concepts as a Tool for Fuzzy-Frontend in Engineering Design
Krzywinski, Jens; Drechsel, Frank; Woelfel, Christian -
Domain-Spanning Design Tools for Heterogeneous Systems
Brix, Torsten; Reeßing, Michael -
Identification of Promising Connecting-Points between Product Lifecycle- and Project Management
Roelofsen, Julia; Anwander, Carolin; Lindemann, Udo -
A Dialectical Approach to Solve Inventive Problems Using Genetic Algorithms and TRIZ: Searching for a Computer Aided Innovation Shell
Duran-Novoa, Roberto Alejandro; Leon-Rovira, Noel; Uresti, Eduardo -
Exploring the Integration of Spatial Grammars and Open-Source CAD Systems
Hoisl, Frank; Shea, Kristina -
Toward a Soft Computing Integrated Intelligent Design Framework
Zha, Xuan F. -
Agile Methods for Design to Customer
Feldhusen, Jörg; Löwer, Manuel; Bungert, Frederik -
First-Principles for Services and Product-Services-Systems: An R&D Agenda
Tang, Victor -
We Need a Universal Design Project Outcome Performance Measurement Metric: A Discussion Based on Empirical Research
Skogstad, Philipp; Steinert, Martin; Gumerlock, Karl; Leifer, Larry -
Tangible Business Process Modeling
Edelman, Jonathan Antonio; Grosskopf, Alexander; Weske, Mathias; Leifer, Larry