A Leading Role for Design as an Economic Development Enabler
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Wood, Bruce Macleod
Series: ICED
Section: Design Organization and Management
Page(s): 37-48
Economic development agencies at national and regional levels have recognised the importance of design and creativity as a driver toward growth, wealth creation and potentially company and job creation. Many regions employ a strategy of promoting the crucial nature of design and then proceed onto promoting a number of design companies either locally or internationally, this activity although important is only part of the answer. There are a number of projects that have actively developed a strategy of firstly supporting design activity, the outcomes of which can then be promoted to wider audience. The project developed in Glasgow, United Kingdom (UK), as an experimental project for a celebratory motive has successfully supported the development of new products, facilitated new company start-ups and created wealth. The project has also been agile enough to be transported to other locations in the UK and internationally resulting in the same high level of success. This has lead to the project strategies and management now being utilised as a economic development tool closely related to design and creativity.
Keywords: Design, Design Management, Economic Development