A Tool Set to Measure Creativity: Analyzing the Fitness of ABACUS as being the Complementary Tool for Linkography
DS 66-2: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2010)
Year: 2010
Editor: Taura, T and Nagai, Y
Author: Duwarahan, Rajendra
Section: Short Presentation C
Creativity is hard to define. But from a very basic view point, it’s nothing but a “transition of a perspective that has a value to attract a group of audience”. Most measures of creativity are dependent on the personal judgment of the tester, so a standardized measure is difficult, if not impossible, to develop. The linkography tool has been studied to evaluate the creativity with some metrics like link density and entropy. But novelty and usefulness are not considered for measures in the latter approach. Inspired by the way how man came up with a tool to quantify things, I am considering the same ABACUS (the old calculator) in this paper as being a tool to compliment Linkography. But with a proper modification in the future we might come up with a tool that justifies our quest.
Keywords: Abacus, “human-sensor data fusion”, Linkography, Thinking assistant, “controlled data”