A Visual Representation to Characterize Moment to Moment Concept Generation in Design Teams
DS 73-1 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity Volume 1
Year: 2012
Editor: Duffy, A.; Nagai, Y.; Taura, T.
Author: Sonalkar, N. S.; Mabogunje, A. O.; Leifer, L. J.
Section: Cognition II
Page(s): 199-210
This paper aims to increase our understanding of concept generation through interpersonal interactions in a design team. Prior research has either looked into the inter-relations between concepts generated, or into identifying specific interpersonal response behaviors. There is a lack of explanation of how design concepts are generated moment-to-moment from the interpersonal interactions between designers. This paper presents the development of a visual notation called the Interaction Dynamics Notation for representing moment-to-moment concept generation through interpersonal interactions. This notation was developed through a video-observation study conducted with two teams each consisting of three engineering design graduate students engaged in a concept generation activity. Collective improvisation was used to bridge concept generation and interpersonal behaviors into a single point of view for developing the notation. The patterns of interaction revealed by the visual notation are described and the value of the notation as a representation system is discussed.
Keywords: visual representation, interpersonal interaction, concept generation