DS 43: Proceedings of E&PDE 2007, the 9th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK, 13.-14.09.2007
Year: 2007
Editor: E. Bohemia; K. Hilton; C. McMahon; A. Clarke
ISBN 978 0 9553942-1-8
Table of Contents
Experiences of three free elective subjects
Lloveras, J. -
Corporate social responsibility as a fundamental discipline: our response to mainstream IT in SMEs
Hernandez, J.; Mendibil, K.; Ion, W. -
To embed or not to embed (sustainability in the curriculum), that is the question - and do we have a choice?
Humphries-Smith, T. -
Creativity shapes future learning processes in Scotland and in Norway
Aksnes, D.; Thelin, A. E. -
An instrument for assessing levels of abstraction in educational design brief formulations
Lau, Wing -
Digital Product Design
Rogers, J.; Hulbert, T. -
Linking Sciences as a Design Tool
Coninx, K.; Heidweiller, A.; van der Voort, E. -
Implementation and delivery of PDP within a practice based curriculum
Spruce, J.; Wilkie, T. -
Developing a Thematic Design Curriculum as a Bologna Master
Holmlid, S.; Arvola, M. -
Design for Interaction: Consolidating the User-Centred Focus in Industrial Design Engineering
Stappers, P. J.; Hekkert, P.; Keyson, D. -
Extended group design activities for the enterprise society
Outram, G.; Stevens, C.; Culley, S. -
Combining Architectural, Structural and Industrial Design: A necessity for having disaster-proof future buildings
Hosseini, M. -
Aligning industrial design education to emerging trends in professional practice and industry
Rodber, M.; Wormald, P. -
Roter Faden - Design Education in Context
Mantwill, F. -
Design Education for Successful Cross-Functional Cooperation in NPD
Holland, R.; Kim, B.; Kang, B.; Borja de Mozota, B. -
Self Service Revisited
Rogers, J.; Birnie, S.; Pengelly, J. -
Seeing is believing: the challenge of product semantics in the curriculum
Evans, M.; Sommerville, S. -
Bringing participatory design techniques to industrial design engineers
Stappers, P. J.; Visser, F. S. -
The future-essay as a design tool
Kappel, A.; Thomsen, B. D. -
Training well-equipped design-ready Engineering Professionals
Pop-Iliev, R.; Plantanitis, G. -
A multidisciplinary approach within design and engineering course - the Politecnico di Milano case study
Selva, S.; Carulli, M. -
International summer school as a teaching tool for development of students' creativity
Klos, Z.; Sawicka, H. -
Quantitative and Qualitative Design Information in Design Education
Langeveld, L. -
Integration of Mechanics and Mathematics in Engineering Design Education
Heidweiller, A.; Coninx, K.; van der Voort, E.; de Deugd, H.; van den Ruijtenbeek, R.; Wisse, G.; van Elderen, E. -
The prototype is the product: exploring personal fabrication through a product design project
Morris, J. -
A synopsis of materials and manufacturing expertise for trainee industrial designers
Pedgley, O.; Norman, E. -
Integrating design and engineering I: functional abstraction and product architecture
Lilly, B.; Gill, C. -
Educating great T-shaped engineers
Gerson, P.; Ramond, B. -
Methodical Evaluation of Single and Group Projects
Ponn, J.; Kreimeyer, M.; Lindemann, U. -
Design education in the age of media convergence
Yee, J. S. R. -
The future of doctorates in Design
Hilton, K. -
An integrated digital design and manufacture studio for educating future product designers
Mair, G.; Cunningham, D.; Grierson, H.; Ion, W. -
Clubbers, Mosaic Thinkers and Design Process
Sharp, M. -
User-hostile products: What they are: How they shape us, how we shape them
Dowlen, C.; Ledsome, C. -
Case study through role play and its effects on the learning experience
Titley, W. -
Sustainability literacy for industrial designers through action research
Clune, S. -
Transferring new knowledge from the field of neuroscience to product design education
Ferraris, S. -
How to support reflective practice on the use of methodological tools
Choulier, D.; Weite, P. A. -
Managing students' motivation and performance
Reddy, G. -
Teaching visionary thinking to product designers using lessons from utopian science fiction
Ratner, E. -
Towards a methodology for inspiring and evaluating aesthetic design solutions
Storer, I.; Lawson, R.; Page, T. -
Design coaching
Ledsome, C.;Dowlen, C. -
Ontologically shaping our future: design education as revelation
van der Merwe, J. -
Help or hurt: Ethics in customer research for product design
Arnold, J. -
Design of Tandem for Cerebral Palsy Sufferers
Crisp, A.; Dale, J. -
Implications of inclusive design for design education
Miller, K.; Mair, G. -
Creating a learner-centred approach in product innovation
Neighbour, G.; Cutler, G. -
User participation - real influence or hostage-taking?
Nielsen, L.; Digranes, I. -
Translating ideas into marketable products: Educating and shaping the future product designers
Tan, J.; Connor, C.; Fleming, B. -
H-Ware: A Human-centred approach in the search for future communication concepts
Baelus, C.; de Grande, G. -
Managing innovation: How collaborative design visualisation can facilitate teamwork
Colvin, A. -
Examining the role of the studio environment within design education
Spruce, J. -
The benefits of integrating LEGO mindstorms into design education: Course "Media Systems"
Langer, C.; Strothotte, C. -
Activity theory: a framework for ethnographic research for industrial design
Desai, G. -
Collaborative international project - "Kitchen of the World": a case study in multinational groups undertaking design studio activity
Coxon, S.; de Bono, A.; Allen, J.; Richardson, M. -
Westfocus Designplus: learnings from a major cross-disciplinary design, industry and academic network
Green, S. -
Designing the future - are our University staff up to it?
Riley, S. -
Using a virtual reality learning environment (VRLE) to meet future needs of innovative product design education
Thorsteinsson, G.; Page, T. -
"Polymath Interpolators" - the next generation of designers
Rodgers, P. -
An investigation of metaphor use and learning style in design problem solving
Casakin, H.; Miller, K. -
Friendly: helping design and science to help each other
Smith, N.; Sams, P. -
Shaping Design graduates: Developing and assessing core competencies
Griffiths, R.; Gordon, B.; Wilgeroth, P. -
Group projects - a fair assessment
Evatt, M. -
Keep your students in the dark - don't let assessment suppress creativity
Penlington, R. -
Tying both ends: a case study of successful comprehensive design collaboration
Coker, R.; Coker, J. -
Mapping key factors in value innovation
English, S. -
Integrating design and engineering II: product architecture and product design
Gill, C.; Lilly, B. -
Development of a knowledge-based tutoring system to support mechanics modelling during the design process
van der Voort, E.; Heidweiller, A.; Coninx, K.; de Deugd, H. -
The post-disciplinary digital practitioner
Malins, J.; Pengelly, J.; Marshall, J. -
The presentation and testing of a design process model employed by students in final year, major projects in industrial design
Green, L. -
Introduction of a design for rapid manufacturing (DFRM) perspective in engineering design education
Campos, S.; Mungula, J.; Lloveras, J. -
Digital futures: Alternative creative approaches for digital product development
Acton, I.; Sood, N.; Annable, L. -
New tools for the selection of technologies: application to sheet metal forming
Cortes, D.; Riba, C. -
Teaching innovation requires innovative methods of teaching
Willis, M.; Kaestel, W. -
Shaping the future of shape
Eves, B.; Hogarth, P.; Mathias, M.; Velay, X.; Hewitt, J. -
Engineering narratives
Milligan, A.; O'Connor, H.; Ross, C. -
Design innovation towards agricultural excellence
Bajuri, T. -
Outcomes from a distributed design studio
Bohemia, E.; Lauche, K.; Badke-Schaub, P.; Langeveld, L.; Thompson, I.; Wilson, C.; Connor, C.; Titley, W. -
A centre for excellence in creativity
Martin, P.; Katz, T.; Morris, R. -
Is it appropriate to introduce real client projects to first-year design students?
Dong, H.; Turnock, P. -
Summer design office - an opportunity and a challenge for students and small enterprises
Rismoen, J.; Sundby, I. -
Student collaborative projects supported by more than one company
Lindley, J. -
Preparing design students for a new role in the organization
Junginger, S. -
Teaching industrial design to undergraduate engineering students through industry-based projects
Das, A. K. -
A strategy for the integration of professional practice during PhD research
Evans, M.; Sommerville, S. -
Perspective of the technological innovation in small and medium Mexican manufacturing companies
Salazar, A. -
Managing design graduates
Holland, R.; Tarbox, A.; Kim, B. Y.; Wynn, L. -
An enlightening challenge: the Procter & Gamble multidisciplinary student design collaborative
Gill, C.; Arnold, J. -
An experience of design education: Integration between design methods and industrial co-operation
Rosa, F.; Rovida, E.; Vigano, R.; Vaona, G. -
Getting Hitched - developing successful partnerships between HEIs and industry
Lievesley, M. -
Educating design students to design research for innovation
Rampino, L.; Ingaramo, M. -
Forecasting of industrial needs as a guideline for engineering education
Rohatynski, R. -
Teaching an engineering design course in an interdisciplinary international academic virtual environment
Kovacevic, A.; Rakocevic, V.; Exorchou, K.; Jeshani, M. -
A reflective approach to learning in a global design product
Wodehouse, A.; Breslin, C.; Eris, O.; Grierson, H.; Ion, W.; Jung, M.; Juster, N.; Leifer, L.; Mabogunje, A.; Sonalkar, N. -
Designing products in multi-cultural teams in the context of education
van Boeijen, A.; Badke-Schaub, P. -
Challenges of cross-Atlantic project collaboration in design education
Karjalainen, T-M; Repokari, L. -
Designing the designer: the responsibilities of education in the national/regional systems of design
Mollenhauer, K.; Korvenmaa, P. -
Distributed design studio - evaluation of three-way collaboration
Lauche, K.; Bohemia, E.; Wilson, C.; Langeveld, L.; Connor, C.; Badke-Schaub, P.; Titley, W. -
A case study of a dual design education approach to implementing new product
Roberts, G.; Walters, A.; Davies, J.; Mumby, A.