Query returned 1295 results.
Applying Geometric Relationship in Product Design
Hyo ,Jin Koh // 2012
Geometry and the golden ratio in art, architecture and design are frequently used as a way to perceive aesthetically pleasing structures rather than as a principle to further develop visual coherence ...
Biology and The Written Word
Weilein, L. C. // 2012
In a contemporary society of vast computing tools and cutting-edge design software, the possibilities of image making and typesetting are boundless; there is virtually no limit to the potential for ...
Eder, W. E. // 2012
Engineering Design Science enables prescription of a systematic method for the design process, followed in this case example. The creative search for solutions can be helped by this systematic and ...
Eder, W. E. // 2012
Engineering Design Science enables prescription of a systematic method for the design process, followed in this case example. The creative search for solutions can be helped by this systematic and ...
Challenge of Teaching Product Design in Master Course with Heterogeneous Qualification in Indian Context
Shende, Avinash; Das, Amarendra Kumar // 2012
Globalization has increased awareness of design profession in India. Initially design education started in premier technical institutions like IITs, IISc and specialized design school i.e. NID and ...
Challenges of Integrating Islamic Art and Culture in Commercial Brands
Silsilah, H.A.; Lam, B.; Silve, S. // 2012
This research studies the current use of Islamic art in commercial brands in order to identify key challenges and address major considerations in the designs. Firstly, a survey was conducted to ...
Characterizing activities that promote ideation – Survey construction targeting reflictive pRactices
Currano, R. M.; Steinert, M. // 2012
Idea generation in engineering design is most often studied within the context of specific tasks, such as brainstorming, mindmapping, TRIZ, etc. Additionally, researchers tend to constrain their ...
Cognitive Load Management and Architectural Design Outcomes
Mohamed-Ahmed, A.; Bonnardel, N.; Côté, P.; Tremblay, S. // 2012
The aim of this study was to analyze the link between the way designers manage cognitive load during the process of architectural design and the outcome of this process, that is, the quality of the ...
Collaborative Creative Design Process in Medical Device Development
Privitera, M. B. // 2012
Designing and developing a medical device is a complex exchange of ideas and theoretical concepts requiring multiple disciplines working towards viable solutions. It requires collaboration and ...
Collaborative Stimulation of Memory Retrieval in Creative Design
Sauder, J.; Jin, Y. // 2012
Collaboration has often been attributed to encouraging creativity. This assumption is explored by investigating the influence of interactions between designers on creativity relevant cognitive ...
Computer Aided Design as an Idea and Concept Generation Tool in the Early Stages of the Design Process
Liem, Andre // 2012
This article claims that in certain circumstances digital visual representations (CAD) can facilitate a better understanding of the form than sketches and drawings, in the early creative idea and ...
Liikkanen, L. A.; Laakso, M. // 2012
The domain of design is associated with creativity. One recent debate concerns the influence of user-centered design (UCD) on creativity. This paper analyzes this influence based on a cognitive ...
Consideration of Material Behaviour in the Creative Design Process: A Perspective from Structural Engineering
Hay, T.J; Lee, D; Larsen, O.P // 2012
The purpose of this paper is to examine how material choices are made in practice by structural engineers and by implication how material behaviour is understood. The research uses documents from ...
Considerations about Creative Environments for Students
Lloveras, J. // 2012
A new idea is based on old ideas and knowledge produced by other minds, but an idea is born in the mind of one person, even when working with others. This article analyses several factors ...
Courses in Creative Tools and Models of Design Thinking
Robertson, E. // 2012
This paper is based on the outcomes of writing, refining and teaching online courses in creative and design thinking to staff in several countries who work for Arup; and, over a seven year period to ...
Creating an Innovative Attitude at Work
Eriksen, Kaare; Tollestrup, Christian // 2012
This paper focuses on the introduction of creative methods and approaches to the staff in a major public service institution in collaboration with design researchers and design students. The project ...
Creating Novel Product Form based on Formal Aesthetics - A Method for Advanced Form Design Education
Rahe, Ulrike; Babapour, Maral; , Bj // 2012
One of the most distinct aspects of creativity in design is an aesthetic sense, an indubitable determinant of product success in the market. It is therefore of great importance to nurture creativity ...
Creative Animation Design for Inverse Kinematics Motions of Shadowgraphs Shadow Puppets in Taiwan
Liao, G. // 2012
Shadowgraph is the featured traditional folk culture and art in Taiwan. The operators play the roles of Shadow Puppets with the puppets‘ performance according to the stories and the plots. This study ...
Creative Design Opportunities into Knowledge Based Engineering Process
Boxberger, J.; Lebouteiller, M.; Schlegeld, D.; Lebaaln, N.; Gomes, S. // 2012
High competition and low manufacturing costs in emerging countries, forces European firms to improve quality, cost and delivery. In this context, research and development departments have to look ...
Creative Processes in Groups – Relating Communication, Cognitive Processes and Solution Ideas
Farzaneh, H. H.; Kaiser, M. K.; Lindemann, U. // 2012
In technical product development group creativity sessions are performed to develop new and unobvious solution ideas. Different factors, e.g. creativity methods, influence the creative process and ...
Creative Space in Design Education: A Typology of Spatial Functions
Thoring, Katja; Luippold, Carmen; Mueller, Roland M. // 2012
This article analyses the role of the space for facilitating creativity, especially in the context of creative education. Based on a qualitative user research with cultural probes, five different ...
Creativity and Innovtion: Developing Design Thinking and Visual Communication Skills
Trowsdale, D. B.; McKay, A.; Giard, J. // 2012
A common feature of today‘s societal challenges lies in their complexity. Society‘s ability to address these problems depends on education programmes developing in their graduates competencies and ...
Creativity Comparisons between Japanese and European at the Concept Creation Stage
Gentner, A.; Bouchard, C.; Esquivel, D.; Oprea, G. // 2012
The study presented in this article aims to measure the impact of sensory, cognitive and affective modalities and the influence of designer‘s culture on the association of ideas phase during creative ...
Creativity in Car Design – The Behaviour at the Edges
Dowlen, C. // 2012
The paper is developed from a longer evaluation of the history of car design. This larger evaluation used statistical processes for investigating the direction of history. Rather than looking at the ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.